
Hemp hearts, also known as shelled hemp seeds or hemp nuts, have grown in popularity recently as a nutritious, plant-based source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. As their application in the culinary world has expanded, a common question has arisen: Do hemp hearts go bad? The short answer is yes, hemp hearts can go wrong, but several factors contribute to their shelf life. This article will delve into the specifics, shedding light on how to store hemp hearts properly, signs of spoilage, and their nutritional benefits.

Understanding Hemp Hearts

Before discussing their shelf life, it’s vital to understand what hemp hearts are. Hemp hearts are the soft, nutty-flavored inner part of hemp seeds from the Cannabis sativa plant. Despite originating from the same plant family as marijuana, hemp seeds contain only trace amounts of THC, the compound responsible for the psychoactive effects of marijuana. Instead, they’re packed with beneficial nutrients like Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, protein, fiber, and minerals.

Do Hemp Hearts Go Bad

Like any other organic foodstuff, hemp hearts can go bad over time. The primary factor affecting their shelf life is the high oil content, primarily polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)—the susceptibility of these fats to oxidation results in their tendency to become rancid. If properly stored, unopened hemp hearts can last about one year from the production date, while opened packages can last about 3-6 months.

However, the “best by” date is not a precise indicator of when the hemp hearts will go bad. It means that the product will retain its optimal quality until that date. After this date, the hemp hearts might gradually degrade in quality and nutritional content, but they still need to be safe to consume.

How To Increase the Shelf Life of Hemp Hearts

To increase the shelf life of hemp hearts, you can follow these guidelines:

How To Increase the Shelf Life of Hemp Hearts

  • Storage Temperature: Optimal storage conditions for hemp hearts include keeping them in an excellent and dark location. Exposing them to excessive heat or direct sunlight can accelerate the degradation process. Store them in a pantry or cupboard away from the stove or any heat-emitting appliances.
  • Airtight Containers: To ensure the preservation of hemp hearts and prevent them from becoming rancid, it is advised to transfer them into airtight containers like glass jars or food-grade plastic containers. This safeguards against the entry of moisture and air, which can contribute to their degradation.
  • Avoid Humidity: High humidity is a significant factor that can diminish the shelf life of hemp hearts. It is recommended to store them in areas free from excessive moisture, such as avoiding placement in the refrigerator or near the sink. Water can cause the hemp hearts to become stale or develop mold.
  • Avoid Light Exposure: Hemp hearts should be kept from direct or bright environments. Light can promote oxidation and degrade the quality of the product. If you store them in transparent containers, consider placing them inside a dark pantry or cover the containers with a cloth or paper bag.
  • Refrigeration or Freezing: While hemp hearts do not necessarily require refrigeration, you can extend their shelf life by storing them in the refrigerator. Lower temperatures can effectively decelerate the process of degradation. Alternatively, you can freeze hemp hearts in an airtight container or resealable freezer bags. Freezing can significantly prolong their shelf life.
  • Proper Handling: When using hemp hearts, use clean and dry utensils or hands to prevent contamination. Moisture, oils, and other food particles can contribute to spoilage.
  • Purchase Fresh and Quality Products: Check the packaging date and choose hemp hearts from reputable brands or suppliers. Ensure the package is sealed correctly and has not been tampered with. Fresher hemp hearts tend to have a longer shelf life.

Storing Hemp Hearts Correctly

Proper storage can significantly prolong the shelf life of hemp hearts. Heat, light, and oxygen are the key elements that hasten the degradation of hemp hearts. Thus, to ensure the longevity of your hemp hearts, storing them in a cool, dark, and dry place is essential.

The best place for unopened hemp hearts is in a pantry, away from heat sources like the stove or oven. Once opened, it’s recommended to transfer the hemp hearts into an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. The lower fridge temperature slows the oxidation process, reducing the chances of the hemp hearts turning racy.

For long-term storage, hemp hearts can be frozen. Freezing the hemp hearts will practically halt the oxidation process, extending their shelf life for a year or more. Hemp hearts do not freeze completely and can be directly used in your recipes without thawing.

Are hemp hearts OK if not refrigerated?

Yes, hemp hearts are generally OK if not refrigerated. Hemp hearts have a considerable shelf life, particularly when stored correctly. Keeping them in a cool, dark place away from heat, light, and moisture can maintain their quality for an extended duration.

Are hemp hearts OK if not refrigerated?

Although refrigeration is unnecessary for hemp hearts, some prefer storing them in refrigerators to extend their freshness. The cooler temperature in the fridge aids in slowing down the natural degradation process, preserving their flavor and texture for a more extended period.

If you opt not to refrigerate hemp hearts, storing them in airtight containers is essential. This safeguards them against air, moisture, and light exposure, thereby preserving their quality and preventing rancidity or staleness.

Do Hemp Hearts Taste Bad?

Hemp hearts, known as hulled hemp seeds, have a mild and nutty flavor. Many people enjoy their taste, finding it pleasant and versatile. The flavor profile of hemp hearts has been described as slightly nutty, earthy, and reminiscent of a combination of sunflower seeds and pine nuts.

However, personal taste preferences can differ significantly from one individual to another. While most individuals find hemp hearts to be tasty, it’s possible that some individuals may not enjoy their flavor. Personal preferences and taste sensitivities can influence how someone perceives the taste of hemp hearts.

If you’re new to consuming hemp hearts, it’s recommended to give them a try and see if you like their taste. You can incorporate them into smoothies, salads, cereals, and yogurt or use them as a topping for baked goods. Experimenting with different recipes and combinations can help you find enjoyable ways to incorporate hemp hearts into your diet.

Signs of Spoiled Hemp Hearts

Identifying spoiled hemp hearts is easy. The first sign of spoilage is usually a change in their smell. Fresh hemp hearts have a pleasant, nutty aroma. If they’ve gone bad, they’ll develop an off-putting, rancid smell due to the oxidation of the fats.

Furthermore, it is essential to note that the taste of hemp hearts can change. When fresh, hemp hearts exhibit a gentle nutty flavor reminiscent of sunflower seeds or pine nuts. They’ll have a bitter or sour taste if they’ve turned rancid.

Visual changes can also indicate spoilage, although this is less common. If you see any mold or discoloration, discard the hemp hearts immediately.

The Nutritional Benefits of Fresh Hemp Hearts

When fresh, hemp hearts are a nutritional powerhouse. They’re one of the few plant-based foods with a complete protein source, containing all nine essential amino acids. Hemp hearts are abundant in fiber, promote healthy digestion, and serve as an excellent source of essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function and reducing inflammation.

Hemp hearts also contain vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc. However, their nutritional content can decrease over time as they go stale or turn rancid, which is another reason to consume them while fresh and store them properly.


Can you eat hemp hearts after expiration date?

Before consuming hemp hearts, it is advisable to always check the expiration date on the packaging. If any indications of spoilage are observed, such as a rancid odor or taste, it is recommended to dispose of them for safety.

How do you know if hemp hearts are still good?

To determine if hemp hearts are still good and safe to consume, you can consider the following indicators,Expiration date,Appearance,Smell,Taste.

How many hemp hearts per day?

A beneficial contribution to a nutritious diet and lifestyle is incorporating a serving size of 1 to 2 tablespoons of seeds into your daily routine. Typically, most seeds contain approximately 100 to 115 calories per 2 tablespoons, making them a valuable addition.



Hemp hearts do go bad over time, but their shelf life can be significantly extended with proper storage. Keeping hemp hearts in a cool, dry, dark place will help them maintain their quality and nutritional value. Always be alert to changes in smell, taste, and appearance to ensure your hemp hearts are fresh. Remember, consuming them while fresh allows you to make the most of their nutritional value and enjoy their rich, nutty flavor to the fullest.

